
November 16, 2013

Sources of Nonlinearity

We live in a complex, nonlinear world, but what are the sources of nonlinearity in finite element analysis (FEA)?
  1. Contact Nonlinearity - is significant when the functioning of an assembly involves the interaction of parts.
  2. Material Nonlinearity - such as time-dependent (visco) behaviours, plasticity and damage effects amongst many other characteristics commonly seen in nonlinear materials.
  3. Geometric Nonlinearity - occurs when the structure experience large strain/large deformations (This is typically when strains are larger than 10%) which causes stress stiffening of structures.

November 01, 2013

Plane Stress vs. Plane Strain vs. Axisymmetric Elements

A summary of the differences between plane stress, plane strain and axisymmetric elements.

Element Plane stress Plane strain Axisymmetric
Required input geometric property Thickness. Thickness. None. User should find out the angle of segment assumed by the FE software.
Assumptions • σz=0
• εz=-v/E(σx+ σy)
• εz=0
• σz=v(σx+ σy)
Axisymmetric loading and structure.
Degree of freedom per node Translations
Ux, Uy
Ux, Uy
Ur, Uz
Stress output σx, σy, σxy σx, σy, σz, σxy σr, σz, σrz, σθ
Strain output εx, εy, εz, εxy εx, εy, εxy εr, εz, εrz, εθ

Also see
Types of elements in the element library