
Showing posts with label difference between. Show all posts
Showing posts with label difference between. Show all posts

November 01, 2013

Plane Stress vs. Plane Strain vs. Axisymmetric Elements

A summary of the differences between plane stress, plane strain and axisymmetric elements.

Element Plane stress Plane strain Axisymmetric
Required input geometric property Thickness. Thickness. None. User should find out the angle of segment assumed by the FE software.
Assumptions • σz=0
• εz=-v/E(σx+ σy)
• εz=0
• σz=v(σx+ σy)
Axisymmetric loading and structure.
Degree of freedom per node Translations
Ux, Uy
Ux, Uy
Ur, Uz
Stress output σx, σy, σxy σx, σy, σz, σxy σr, σz, σrz, σθ
Strain output εx, εy, εz, εxy εx, εy, εxy εr, εz, εrz, εθ

Also see
Types of elements in the element library

October 18, 2013

Thin Shell vs. Thick Shell

Thick shells are capable of modelling transverse shear deformation whilst thin shells do not. Thick shells are governed by the Mindlin–Reissner (thick shell) theory. As the shell thickness decreases, the problem tends to favour Kirchhoff (thin shell) theory which neglect the inclusion of transverse shear deformation. This is pretty much similar to the thin (Euler-Bernoulli) vs. thick (Timoshenko) beams comparison.

     Typical thickness for thin shell is <5% whilst thick shell theory applies within the 5-10% range. Anything significantly >10% should not be modelled using plate theories.

A comparison of the differences between thin and thick shell theories.
Theory Thin shell
Thick shell
Thickness vs. percentage of in-plane dimensions Thickness < 5% 5% < thickness < 10%
Key assumptions • Plane remains plane
• Normal remains normal
• Thickness is not affected by deformation
• Plane remains plane
Degree of freedom per node • Translations Ux, Uy, Uz
• Rotations Rx, Ry, Rz
• Translations Ux, Uy, Uz
• Rotations Rx, Ry, Rz
Transverse shear deformation No Yes

See also
Types of elements in the element library

October 05, 2013

Membrane, Plate and Shell Elements

A comparison of the differences between membrane, plate and shell elements.
Element Membrane Plate Shell
Engineering components Pressure vessels, oil tanks, ship hull, wing skin
Analogous to Truss Beam with no axial stiffness Beam
Number of nodes Usually three:
One each at the top, middle and bottom
Displacement degree of freedom • Translations Ux, Uy • Translations Uz
• Rotations Rx, Ry
• Translations Ux, Uy, Uz
• Rotations Rx, Ry, Rz
Stress output • In-plane stresses • Bending stresses
• Additional transverse shear stresses for thick plates
• In-plane stress
• Bending stress
• Additional transverse shear stresses for thick shells

Also read
Types of elements in the element library

September 28, 2013

Thin Beam vs. Thick Beam

Standard beam theory (Euler-Bernoulli bending theory) assumes no deformation by shear. This can be safely applied to thin beams that are long and slender. For short and deep beams however, displacement due to shear becomes hugely important which is included in the formulation of thick beam element. Below is an exaggerated example of shear deformation:
Displacement due to shear that standard beam theory does not take into account
     This effect is the key that distinguish between the Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko (thick beam theory) bending theories. See below for a direct comparison between thin and thick beams.
Table illustrating the differences between thin (Euler-Bernoulli) beams and thick (Timoshenk) beams. Diagram in "look" section is adapted from Wikipedia.
Also read
Types of elements in the element library

September 07, 2013

Straight Beam vs. Curved Beam

Table illustrating the differences between straight and curved beams
See also

August 30, 2013

Truss vs. Beam

Table illustrating the differences between truss and beam elements.
See also

August 09, 2013


Today when we hear about finite element method (FEM), the first thing that comes across our mind would be a beautiful picture like this:
Simulation result adapted from DTE Desktop Engineering
which is not entirely true.

June 22, 2013

Matrix Methods: Direct vs. Iterative

Direct vs. Iterative methods
The two approaches available for solving global stiffness matrix (K) in FEM are:
Implications on FEA solver
  • For linear simulation e.g. KU = f , Gaussian elimination can be applied directly
  • For nonlinear simulation e.g. K(u)U=f, stiffness is dependent on displacements (u). Therefore an iterative method must be used.

May 25, 2013

Boundary Conditions (BCs) vs. Displacement BCs in FEM

This post aims to address the question that arises when one cannot distinguish between boundary conditions (BCs) and displacement BCs in the flowchart of FEM process.

Since FEM is all about solving the FE equation in matrix form, we approach this question using the classic FE equation of a linear elastic problem, KU = f. Let us assume it expands to look like Figure 1:
Figure 1: FE Equation of a linear elastic problem, KU = f
We can now interpret the difference between BCs and displacement BCs from the physical and mathematical perspectives:

February 02, 2013

Kinetics vs. Kinematics

A summary of the differences between a kinematics and kinetics study.
Kinematics Kinetics
Study of Motion (Deformation and flow) Forces (Surface and body)
Considers Motion disregarding the forces and moments that cause the motion. Motion and the forces underlying this motion.

See also