
May 31, 2013

Virtual Work and Weak Formulation

Weak formulations (a.k.a. variational formulations) of partial differential equations (PDEs) are hugely important in the FEM as they enable the concepts of linear algebra in the analysis of PDEs. This concept transform PDEs into sets of linear equations (a matrix) that can eventually be manipulated and inverted using standard matrix methods.

Transforming an equation from strong to weak form requires the use of virtual function, and hence the name Principle of Virtual Work.

Also read
A few worked examples (external pdf)
The role of the Principle of Virtual Work in FEM

May 25, 2013

Boundary Conditions (BCs) vs. Displacement BCs in FEM

This post aims to address the question that arises when one cannot distinguish between boundary conditions (BCs) and displacement BCs in the flowchart of FEM process.

Since FEM is all about solving the FE equation in matrix form, we approach this question using the classic FE equation of a linear elastic problem, KU = f. Let us assume it expands to look like Figure 1:
Figure 1: FE Equation of a linear elastic problem, KU = f
We can now interpret the difference between BCs and displacement BCs from the physical and mathematical perspectives:

May 10, 2013

Steps in FEM: An Overview

Figure 1 is a flowchart illustrating the FEM process for a linear static problem (the concept is similar to more complex problems):
Figure 1: A finite element method process for solving linear static problems (Click to enlarge)
Brief explaination of the different stages in Figure 1:

April 28, 2013

What is the Finite Element Method (FEM)?

In mathematics, partial differential equations (PDEs) can be solved either analytically (exact, continuous) or numerically (approximation, discrete).
Illustrating the position of FEM in the overall picture for solving PDEs
Finite element method (FEM) is a numerical method for solving PDEs. FEM is usually applied to solve for PDEs in continuum mechanics for solid mechanics problems.

Two other popular methods are the finite difference and finite volume methods (FDM FVM), which are frequently used to solve problems in fluid mechanics.

April 13, 2013

Partial Differential Equations in Continuum Mechanics

Continuum mechanics studies the mechanical behaviour of a material that has been mathematically idealised using partial differential equations (PDEs). Hence, continuum mechanics solves PDEs to understand material behaviours.

Why use idealisation?
It is not economic to fully describe material behaviours over a large range of conditions. Instead, the mathematical expression is idealised such that material behaviour is only represented for a reasonable range of loading conditions. See examples.

How to mathematically idealise/ model a material?
In continuum mechanics, materials are modelled using PDEs. These are equations assembled from (1) physical laws that are universal and (2) constitutive equations that are material specific.

PDEs in continuum mechanics = physical laws + constitutive equations

Examples of PDEs
  • Navier equation
  • Wave equation as special case of Navier equation
  • Heat equation
  • Laplace's equation as special case of heat equation
  • Navier-Stokes equations

March 29, 2013

What is Continuum Mechanics?

After generating a continuum (by mathematically representing a real material), the mechanical behaviour of such continuum can then be studied. This is continuum mechanics - the study of materials' mechanical behaviour using mathematical models.

     Solid mechanics and fluid mechanics are two special cases of continuum mechanics.